Excel find duplicate values and delete
Excel find duplicate values and delete

excel find duplicate values and delete

Remove Duplicates function is introduced form MS Excel 2007, You can use RemoveDuplicates method to remove the duplicate records in Excel 2007 and higher. We will also see the example for deleting the duplicates for the data with and without column headers.


Example to show you how to delete duplicate records from Excel Worksheet.


Just select a cell in the range and convert the range into a table.įilter this table for showing only the duplicate values.VBA code to remove duplicate Rows in Excel: Example Macros to delete duplicate records from worksheet in MS Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013. Now you can delete these duplicate values manually or converting this range into an Excel table. So, we get only 6 original values and 7 duplicate values. I press Enter and drag down the formula for all the cells in the column. Under column C, we add a new header as ‘Find Duplicates’ and use the following formula in cell C2: Going to apply the formula on the same data set as we used in our first example. Let’s now remove duplicates using the formula. If you want to know more about this function, check out this page. Before working with the main formula, let’s take a look at COUNTIFS () function’s syntax and uses.ĬOUNTIFS () function returns the total number occurring from multiple ranges based on multiple criteria. This is an interesting way if you like to do things with Excel formulas. 4 duplicate values found and removed 9 unique values remain in the range.Ĥ) Removing duplicates using Excel formula So, I just unselect the checkmark on the left side of the ‘Sales’.ģ) Setup is done. But we want to exclude our ‘Sales’ column from this criterion. Column D will not affect this filtering.įor example, row 5, row 9, and row 13 are duplicates though their Sales column has different values ($5200, $6000, $7000).įollow these steps to remove these types of duplicates.ġ) Select a cell in the range => Data tab => Data Tools ribbon => click on the Remove Duplicates command button.Ģ) ‘Remove Duplicates’ dialog box appears. And I want to remove duplicate rows based on columns A, B, and C. In the following image, you’re seeing some dummy data. You have some columns and you want that finding and removing duplicates will happen based on some specific columns, not based on every column in the range.

excel find duplicate values and delete

  • How to Remove Numbers from a Cell in Excel (7 Effective Ways)ģ) Removing duplicates based on some specific columns of a range.
  • Data clean-up techniques in Excel: Replacing or removing text in cells.
  • How to Delete Blank Rows in Excel (6 Ways).
  • You see, 6 unique rows are placed in cell reference D1. In the ‘Copy to’ field, I input a cell reference ($D$1) from the same worksheet (you can also input a cell from another worksheet).Įverything is done. We want to show only the Unique values in a new location, so I select this checkmark ‘Unique records only’ and I choose ‘Copy to another location’ radio button. You’re seeing that our data range $A$1: $B$14 is already input in the ‘List range’ field. We shall apply the same data again for the Advanced Filter feature.ġ) Select a cell in the range => Data tab => Sort & Filter ribbon => click on the Advanced command button.Ģ) ‘Advanced Filter’ dialog box appears. Read more: How to Remove Duplicate Rows in Excel Table 2) Using Advanced Filter feature to remove duplicate rows (in a new location) Use the Advanced Filter feature of Excel. Now, what if you want to keep your old data and get the results (data without duplicate rows) in a new place? Click on the OK button.ħ duplicate values found and removed 6 unique values remain. We want to remove duplicates based on both columns, so all the columns are checked mark, it is also alright. Our data has headers, so ‘My data has headers’ is a correctly checked mark. And click on the Remove Duplicates command in the Data Tools ribbon.Ģ) Remove Duplicates dialog box appears. What I want is: only unique rows will be on the list all the duplicate rows will be deleted/removed from the list.ġ) Select a cell in the range. Two columns are holding some names and their locations.

    excel find duplicate values and delete

    Related Readings 1) Remove duplicate rows based on two columns (Using ‘Remove Duplicates’ feature)Ĭheck out the following data.

    Excel find duplicate values and delete